Monday, October 8, 2012

As I tried Cinnarch

Cinnacrh 2012.10.01 was released on... yes, it's obvious - on Oct 1st ( It is ArchLinux based distributive with Cinnamon 1.6.1 desktop on board.
I've been using ArchLinux for around 1.5 years and I love this distro. Also I love Gnome2, so my guess was that mix of Cinnamon (a Gnome-shell fork with Gnome2-like layout offered by LinuxMint ( and Arch should give me something perfect.
When installing it... I was disappointed. They provide distro with desktop env but still have only netintstall option not installing 'from-the-box' all the components. I used to get this from Arch but supposed to have something different here (like Fedora/Ubuntu/Mint/SUSE). Although, there is Live-CD so you can try it without installation (or use temporary when you failed and need an access to the Google:D).
CLI installer is more poor than in ArchLinux. Well, my opinion may be prejudiced but I've never seen better installer than Arch provides. As for Cinnarch - less user hints,  unclear disk partition options (I'm not a blonde-housewife, and tried plenty of Linux distros but this time I was at a loss when failed couple of times in partitioning my sda). Also, there were issues with installing GRUB2 (suspect they were caused by network connection interruption while downloading packages, but who knows... it has gone away when I created a BIOS boot partition directly - ef02 code, AFAIR).
Anyway, it was installed. What I've got? I've got a fairly sexy OS but Desktop was usefulness for me at all:( Installing all the gnome packages fixed this. One more confusing thing is that Network Manager doesn't have an option to create a DSL connection (generic issue/feature of NM? I think yes), so I had to use nm-connection-editor. Also, had to disable SigLevel for pacman as it verifies package PGP signatures by default (despite that everybody lies, I trust any package I'm about to install:)).
All other things look pretty good. Below, there are some screenshots


Nautilus 3.4.2

some apps running

 switching between workspaces (you can create as many workspaces as you wish)

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